Tuesday 7 September 2010

"The Shack"

I've just read "The Shack" by Wm Paul Young and it's such a moving and uplifting book that I thoroughly recommend it. To find out more go to http://www.theshackbook.com

Sunday 29 August 2010

The Power of Words

This week a client reminded me of something that I had said to him during a coaching session over a year ago and how helpful he had found it.  It reminded me that we never know the impact we can have on others even in passing, be they clients, family, friends or strangers.  Choose your words - negative or positive - with care .................

Thursday 1 April 2010

Who is the happier – the man in the wheelchair or the able-bodied man?

I was in the supermarket recently when the man behind me starting complaining about having to wait in the queue and about life in general.  I tried to point out that the sun was shining, the birds were singing and the spring flowers blooming and weren't these good reasons to feel more cheerful?  But he wasn't having any of it!  His life, according to him, was not good because of other people, the government, the ecomony etc, etc.  I left thinking that there was man who sees himself as a victim of life and who consequently appears to be very sad and angry.

A few days later, back in the same supermarket (buying the things I forgot on the last visit!.......) when I heard a man in a wheelchair comment to the man in front of him "Well, I know I will have to wait in the queue, so I bring my own chair!" and at that they both laughed.

What a contrast in attitude! And I am pretty sure that the man in the wheelchair doesn't see himself as a victim but as someone who is able to see the positive aspects of life, despite his circumstances.

Isn't life happier when we try not to complain and blame, but to see the positives in a situation?  It's not always easy I know (and I frequently fail myself!) but so worth the effort - well in my view anyway :-)